
Vickie Dickson - Human Design Guide

SAVE $100 on Human Design Readings - 48 hours only! 😱😱😱

Published 7 months ago • 1 min read

The babies are coming! The babies are coming! The babies are coming!

As I sit here drinking my coffee on this wretched, rainy October morning (haha dramatic much?) I looked at my calendar to schedule
out my week and guess what?

I hardly have anything booked!

I've been in such high gear to get ready for the babies (T minus 12 days until Easton's due date and T minus 44 days until Mystery Baby's due date)
that I didn't notice that I hadn't booked much out for the next little bit.

Why does this matter to you?

Because I cannot not work!
I love my work!
I love, love, love Human Design readings!
I love getting to see the lightbulbs go off for women just like you as they realize their purpose.
I love seeing them realize the ways they've been conditioned away from themselves and how they can change this NOW.
I love seeing them see the proof right before their eyes that they are made for more.

👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻 If you could use some of that magic fairy dust in your life, head on over here to book your own Human Design reading (AKA permission slip to be all of who you came here to be) and save $100!

Here's the fine print;
▶️ readings are held on Zoom and last approximately 1 hour (I say approximately because sometimes we go over a bit)
▶️ your $100 off reading must be held within the next 2 weeks.
▶️ a recording will be provided to you within 24 hours of your reading so that you can go back over it again and again.
▶️ use coupon code (on the right hand side under the price at checkout) SAVE100NOW

Who's this for?

Plain and simple.

✅ If you have your Human Design chart, and you've been wondering what it all means.
✅ If you'd love to move through blocks that are holding you back in your life.
✅ If you're tired of wondering what you came here to do.

This $100 off sale is for you.

PS -No pressure
BUT... you are going to want to book it ASAP because, as you can imagine, I only have capacity for so many readings in the course of a week.
Unless I give up sleep.
Which if you know me, you know I won't be able to do and stay coherent!

Here's the link again for you.
Use the coupon code SAVE100NOW
It expires on Monday, October 23rd at midnight. (EST)

Big Love!
Vickie D

Vickie Dickson - Human Design Guide

Your Human Design is your energetic blueprint. It holds the highest expression of your gifts, and the shadow side that stands in your way - every - damn - time. Own your magic 💫 Live life on your own terms. Stop asking for Permission.

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