
Vickie Dickson - Human Design Guide

Your Human Design is your energetic blueprint. It holds the highest expression of your gifts, and the shadow side that stands in your way - every - damn - time. Own your magic 💫 Live life on your own terms. Stop asking for Permission.

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That's quite a frenzy!

I'm popping in today to let you know about a deadline that's approaching quickly.For the last few weeks, I've been offering a completely personalized, written, Human Design report.Think of it as your manuscript or owners manual.It's at least 35 pages long (depending on your design) and it covers all of the aspects of your unique Human Design.There's been a frenzy over grabbing these reports for gifts over the past week and all of a sudden it hit me that I'm going to need to put a stop to...

Actual footage of me watching the last episode of Firefly Lane 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 I have a love/hate relationship with mini-series because, try as I might, I can never stop watching until I'm through it all!The rest of my life stops while I get through the series. Firefly Lane was a BEAST on the emotions. It's not for the faint of heart.Have you seen it?I wanted to LYK about this mini-series so that you don't miss it.The 12 Days of Human Design podcast series launched today!12 episodes in 12 days. I...

Human Design Manuscript

Ok.As I write this email, it's Thursday night at 6:43 pm.Now, you know me. You know I was at my best about 14 hours ago.Now is NOT the time for me to be getting fancy, writing emails and 😱 😱 😱 playing in the back end of my website. So here's what I'm gonna do.I'm going to put my Manifesting Generator madness out here for you, imperfections and all.Again. Please be gentle. Remember that part of the magic of what Manifesting Generators do is skip steps. I think I'm well on my way to perfecting...

There's a man who lives in a little town in Maine, surrounded by a wrought iron fence, decorated with bats, gargoyles and dragons.His home looks like something out of a horror film. Inside of this mansion, he toils away at his craft, living his purpose, every damn day.He's been doing this for over 50 years. In the early days from a desk in the laundry room of the one bedroom apartment he shared with his growing family. The piece that launched his career was pulled from the trash can in his...

The babies are coming! The babies are coming! The babies are coming!As I sit here drinking my coffee on this wretched, rainy October morning (haha dramatic much?) I looked at my calendar to schedule out my week and guess what? I hardly have anything booked!I've been in such high gear to get ready for the babies (T minus 12 days until Easton's due date and T minus 44 days until Mystery Baby's due date) that I didn't notice that I hadn't booked much out for the next little bit.Why does this...

Have you ever been paralyzed with indecision?If you're like about 50-75% of the population, I'm betting you have.If not, I truly envy you! In this weeks episode of the Unjaded Podcast, I'm going through the ins and outs of living with indecision in just one part of your Human Design. Discover how to really lean into this so that you can make the kind of decisions that aren't immediately followed by regret.Wouldn't that be incredible???? 🥰I'm also unpacking keys to self care and creativity...

If you've ever found yourself wishing you had a cheat sheet for Human Design, you'll want to listen to the episode of Unjaded that just dropped.In it, I go through how you start to really give life to your design.Click here to listen.PS - Remember to hit follow so that you never miss an episode! If you're enjoying the podcast, please leave a review AND LMK if there are things you'd love to learn about!PS - Watch your inbox on Wednesday. I'll be popping by early in the morning to offer you...

Over the last few months I've been watching a public figure in the Human Design space as she seemingly 'spins out'.It's fascinating to watch. Understanding a bit of her design, I feel like I have insider info that helps me to look at it through a different lens.About 6 months ago, she did a big, vulnerable share on social media. Isn't that where everyone does their vulnerable shares? 🫢She was leaving her highly successful (think multi-million dollar) business to offer something new and a bit...

I talk a lot about something we call 'conditioning' in the Human Design world.This is the word we use for all of the ways we cover our true selves up so that other people are more comfortable with us.We learn to do this very early in life so that we are accepted by our tribe. Stepping outside of this or unravelling this can feel unsafe because we're always a little afraid that we will be outcast by the tribe.This is the human condition.and....the time to change that is NOW.🔥If you too feel...

Friday morning, Sawyer and I were at a local thrift shop that sells household goods.Because it's Spring (or it was that day) they had the outdoor section open as well.When we got to the open shed door, I felt her freeze beside me. She literally dug her heels into the ground and would not move.I coaxed her a bit to go in and take a look and she said "No Mimi. Those guys are in there. I don't want to go in."Ok - we walked around outside for a while looking at the stuff and then I tried to enter...